Professional Private European College of Innovative Technology Career Center aims to organize and provide college students the opportunity for real professional activity, both during and after the training, and thus the center has a huge impact on the future plans and realization of the college.

The main goal of the team that prepares and organizes the professional realization of the college students is to assist them in finding the most suitable work for them while motivating them and giving them confidence. To this end, various counseling and trainings are offered to college students.


All of the services listed below are free for both college students and employers. The services of the Omega College Career Center are focused in two directions:

Professional Private European College of Innovative Technology can offer the following services to employers:

*Assistance in job search or internship - The Career Center liaises with employers and recruitment agencies through which it seeks to assist colleges in finding suitable employment / internships for them.
* Collaboration with colleges to contact a specific desired employer - if you want to get in touch with a specific employer, the Careers Center consultants have ways to help you do this.
* Career counseling - advice on the way and direction of career development. The Career Center team specializes in assisting with career planning, defining short-term and strategic career goals, as well as defining guidelines for improving professional qualification and developing a development program.
* Career guidance - orienting the colleges to the most appropriate professional fields based on the qualities and skills they possess. Guidance is accomplished by completing professional surveys, questionnaires and methodologies for career guidance and identifying areas of particular importance in personal and professional realization.
* Counseling in the preparation of CV and cover letter, as well as other types of documents required for applying for a job.
*Advice and guidance on the overall selection process for applying for a job: Complete interview for a job interview, employer expectations, interview behavior, feedback.

Services to college graduates:

* Assistance to employers when selecting from among college students (pre-selection and review of documents, preparation of professional-psychological profiles of candidates and interviewing the employer only with the most suitable candidates among all colleges) * Spreading college job vacancies, internships, scholarships and other information. * Organization of company presentations. * Distribution of company fliers through brochure stands located at the entrance to college, as well as distributing college fliers in college audiences. * Organizing Career Days - an exhibition of companies in the college building. * Organization of public events with the participation of colleges - competitions and exhibitions.
Requirements and distribution of advertisements to employers Requirements for ads:

* Brief description of company activity and logo; * Name of the position; * Description of the position, activities and responsibilities; requirements for applicants * Working conditions proposed by the employer * Application deadline * Company contacts (name, phone, address), company web page.
Announcements are distributed in the following ways:

* Publishing the site of the Center; * Sending email to all college students; * Placing the dashboard in the College lobby. Organization of company presentations * Specify the day, time and venue for the event; * The company presents its own promotional material (posters and brochures) within one week prior to submission, placed on the board of the college. * Information is disseminated through the center's website, via email to college students and posters in college * At the company's request, the Career Center provides a presentation technique (laptop, multimedia, screen).

For contacts, information and requesting an individual meeting with our consultants, send an email to:

or contact us by phone:

GSM: +359 882 933 561

Tel. +359 32 944 544